Selling Your Home or Land?
When it comes to Selling a Home or Land it takes a true Professional to help you through the Maze of Real Estate transactions. Call US, we'll make the process pleasurable.

 Market Analysis of your home
 6 Reasons Why You Should Use:
   Arizona Central Land and Home Agents:

We can personally create a marketing plan for your property that works.  There is no "manager's roulette wheel" determining whose property gets advertised and  when.

We will pay to sell your home.  We will buy the yard sign, pay listing fees, and pay for all the advertising.  With our own money invested, we want to sell your property as much as you do.

We make our own business decisions.  That way, we can focus on helping our clients rather than worry about what "the company wants."

We pay the company a monthly administrative fee and handle our own expenses.  We receive up to 100% of the fees on the property we sell.  We don't work on a salary so we are committed to the sale.

We work as a team, we hand pick agents who will put forth the team effort that it takes to sell Real Estate in the ever changing market place.

Personal computers and cellular technology allow us to communicate and track the vast amounts of information necessary to sell your property.  To stay ahead of the real estate industry, we are continually attending educational classes.

Arizona Central Land and Home agents, on the average, out-sell the competition 3-1.

 Market Analysis of your home
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